Check-In Begins at 11 AM
But you MUST register online!
Thank you for your interest in the 4th Annual Damascus 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament.
The vision for this FREE event is to bring our community together, and what better way to do it than through the 4th Annual Damascus 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament held at Baker Middle School in Damascus!
If you can’t assemble your own team, that’s okay. Register anyway and we will place you on a team. Also, we plan on having skills competitions for every age group, so be ready to have some fun competing with others in 3pt and free throw shooting contests, plus games of H-O-R-S-E and knockout as well.
We will email additional event information to all participants who register on-line. But to get this important event information you must REGISTER NOW!!
Whether you plan on playing in the 3-on-3, or competing in the skills competitions, or just stopping by as a fan to enjoy watching some good basketball, we hope to see you July 6th at Baker Middle School!!!
Registration Form
(Boys and Girls Teams Welcomed)
Questions? Email us at Info@Damascus3on3.com
Thank you for your interest in the 4th Annual Damascus 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament.
Registration starts at 11am. Additional tournament info to be posted on this site the week before the tournament. Revisit us then!
Event Location